- Community feed is now on top, to allow you to focus on what matters, those you follow.
- You can now create, view, and revoke API keys on the More/API Keys page. This allows AviNet to integrate with 3rd parties such as PureTrack (work-in-progress) and SkyDemon (fingers-crossed in the future). Read more on our blog post Connect with AviNet: Your Guide to API Keys.
- User profiles now have a flight photos section, showcasing all photos from the flights they've uploaded.
- Multiline text input boxes no longer have the annoying "X" to clear your entire flight description by accident.
- Universal flight share URLs now produce a correct token and should work again
- FlightRadar24 ADS-B API integration allows you to skip the track step and go straight to upload, as long as you have a running transponder and the FR24 receiver network has picked you up.
- "Following" text next to users you follow in the search results.
- Join our Discord from the More tab
- Completely new Home tab which brings all your feeds into one place, this will now act as a hub of activity for your AviNet community
- New sub-feed containing pilot suggestions in your local area (currently 200km radius around your home airfield)
- Log flights: selected flight track file names now show in full, rather than being shortened arbitrarily
- Planned Flights - use this feature to find other pilots to fly with. Flying with other pilots is one of the best ways to improve your skills and build your hours. You can propose a planned flight or browse other existing flights nearby.
- Sort Feed and Explore All flights by Flight Date or Upload Date
- App store review button in "More" options
- The layout of flight cards has removed padding and a photo counter. If photos exist, the first photo is shown by default.
- Flight photo limit increased to 25, indicating in the UI how many photos have been selected for clarity
- Registration date added to profile pages
- You can now "Read all" notifications again
- You can now share flight passports directly to other apps on Android
- Social Logins - you can now login with Google (iOS and Android) and Apple (iOS only)
- Email upload instructions: log flight by emailing upload@avinet.app
- Updated partners section: include Pooleys and Wings Taking Flight
- You can now click on URLs in flight descriptions
- Sign out and Delete Account moved to "More" tab
- 4th tab is now 'More' which houses non-primary navigation items in the app
- New Partners section which gives details on our partnerships and affiliate links that you can use to support us.
- You are now warned about leaving the edit flight page if you have unsaved changes
- Long fields now have a character counter in the bottom right, showing when the length limit is reached
- You can no longer use just spaces as your name on signup
- Further maintenance upgrading dependencies and cleaning things up
- Long names no longer run off the side when creating your Flight Passport
- Maintenance release, upgrading dependencies and migrating from deprecated libraries
- Welcome screens have had a total revamp
- Feedback screen has been tidied up to focus on what matters, your feedback
- Flight comment screen no longer dismisses the keyboard when you scroll, making it a nicer experience to chat
- You can now pinch and zoom on flight photos to see them in more detail.
- Flight passports. Now share a summary of your flight to socials!
- Profile stats. Now you can see and compare stats and activity right on the pilot's profile.
- Loading screens have been tidied up a bit
- Text inputs look more native
- Feedback message field and flight description max lengths have been increased to 2000 chars.
- We now explain about the visibility of your flight upload on the log flight page.
- You can now hide the altitude and speed charts of your flight if you wish.
- The app now lands you on the signup page when you first open it, as we assume most people seeing this page are new.
- Edit flight button now floats above the keyboard, not underneath it.
- Feed flight thumbnails now show the correct thumbnail all of the time.
- "You and 1 other HAVE liked...": correct the grammar of the flight like text.
- Log flight has had a rethink! Pilots now start with uploading the files, and then land on the flight edit page which is a much better representation of how the flight will look once completed.
- Moved the notification icon to the left of the app header.
Explore flights by location. You can now search for flights by searching a location in the explore page.
- Editing your profile from the 'Getting started checklist' will redirect back to your feed once done.
- Sign up/in pages now have a white background for all devices.
- Placeholder text in Location search bars now appear grey on all devices.
- There is now an 'Explore' tab with a public feed, showing all flights on AviNet regardless of if you follow them or not.
- Your profile tab now lives in the top right of the app header.
- New loading overlay on successful flight upload/edit now dismisses properly after editing a flight
- Scroll to top arrow added to feed and profile page, you can also now tap the feed or profile icons on the bottom to perform the same action (i.e. refreshing that page and scrolling to the top)
- Searching for a user's name with a rogue space left at the end of the search term (e.g. 'John ') now successfully returns the search results.
- Flights without data now handle that state much nicer than before.
- Only plot positive values on altitude and speed charts.
- Flight uploads sometimes appeared blank (no data graphs or track thumbnail) if you moved off the upload screen before the upload was complete. We've added a loading overlay to stop this happening by accident.
- A bug in the authentication code meant there was a 5 minute window where no network requests would go through due to an expired token. This manifested as an 'Unknown error, Please try again later or contact support' notification. This has now been corrected.
- Scrolling to the bottom of a pilot profile now reliably triggers loading the next page of flight data.
- Flight graphs now look a little nicer (thanks to a version upgrade)
- Sentry has been added for error logging
- This is a maintenance release. All dependencies have been upgraded to their latest stable version to ensure security and that latest bug fixes / features are available to us. If you notice anything wrong, please let us know.
- Search users by location. You can now search for a location and receive back the other users on AviNet closest to this location.
- Flight comments containing links will now be clickable, so you can open them in a browser.
- Added a timezone to the flight time - we still need to work on localising this to the flyer not the viewer!
- Handle no internet connection with an information screen, rather than incorrectly showing email verification.
- Removed file type restrictions so Samsung users can pick GPX files
- You can now use multiple files to upload a flight. The motivation for us to do this comes from how SkyDemon exports flights if you shut down somewhere. Assuming they're actually all in the same flight, you can now combine them all in one upload.
- Increased the feedback message max length to 1000 characters.
- Increased the flight comment max length to 256 characters.
- Add location to pilot profiles on search page. (Proximity sorting coming soon!)
- You can now share a flight outside of AviNet App!
- You can now upload photos with your flights.
- You can now upload your flights from your desktop at https://www.upload.avinet.app.
- You can now add your home airfield to your profile.
- The 'Like' flight and 'Comment' on flight buttons now have an improved look.
- A new getting started checklist is now shown on your feed.
- You can now like comments on flights!
- You can pull to refresh the main feed even if it's empty now.
- Some main submit buttons are now floating buttons, this makes the app experience feel a bit cleaner.
- Flight cards now have distance and duration icons.
- Much better flight upload error handling. You should now be warned about something being wrong rather than the app trying something and getting into a broken state.
- We now support flight uploads using the .igc file format and the .onflight binary file format.
- Notifications from users who have deleted their profile no longer cause in-app error popups. You're also no longer able to click on the disabled notifications.
- Flight upload form submit button is now correctly disabled/enabled based on user inputs
- .kml files can be now be used to upload a flight (e.g. from ForeFlight Mobile).
- New look and feel for the flight comments page, including network cache invalidation on push notification receipt, so the comments update for the receiver as soon as the sender has sent it.
- Deleting flight loading view is now styled properly again.
- Now released to North America, most of Europe and Australia
- Flight upload form now resets every time you open it. Previously it was persisting the last page you were on when editing a flight.
- Emails now require verification before you can proceed.
- Simplified the signing in and out logic within the code so we can more easily make sure the app is secure to use.
- You now only see a feed if youβre signed in.
- Removed the extra βXβ when commenting on a flight.
- More space has been added between sign up buttons.
- Automated mailing list subscription and un-subscription.
- Instructional text regarding GPX files added.
- When searching for users, phone keyboard no longer hides the last few search results.
- When reporting content, you can now immediately select the 'Harassment' option for the reason of the report.
- Flight maps now works for iOS.
- "Elevation" to "Altitude" on the flight page as that better reflects the data it is showing.
- Uploading a profile picture now uses the device gallery rather than the device file system.
- You're now able to see the unfollow button after pressing follow when viewing a user's profile.
- Flights now use a 24-hour timestamp.
- Upgraded almost every 3rd party library to their latest version to ensure upstream security and receive their latest bug fixes.
- Edit flight now always shows the flight's values in the input fields.
- Fixed user profiles crashing occasionally on iOS (upstream bug).
- Fixed user stuck in limbo loading state after login/signup.
- Stopped unwanted network requests after signing out or deleting your account.
- You can now block users you no longer wish to interact with.
- Privacy policy and terms of service now shown on sign up page.
- Email address to contact now copied to device clipboard when shown the user account suspension notification.
- Push notifications should now register correctly for your device.
- Welcome founder message is now scrollable so users on smaller screens can progress when signing up.
- User profile avatars now show greyed out user icon if the account no longer exists.
- Personalised user profiles for a unique experience.
- Seamless user connection for a vibrant community.
- Easily access other users' flights on profiles and activity feeds.
- Share your journey with uploaded flight tracks.
- Explore interactive maps within the app for an immersive view.
- Engage with flights via likes and comments.
- Ensure the app is a safe space with offensive content reporting.
- Stay updated with push notifications for all in-app interactions.