AviNet's Origin Story: From Concept to Community
AviNet was born from my passion for aviation and a vision to connect pilots and enthusiasts worldwide. Our mission is to foster a vibrant aviation community through a dynamic social networking platform. Join us on our journey to make aviation more accessible and engaging for everyone.
The spark of inspiration
Like many of us, I can't quite explain where my love for flying and helicopters came from. Perhaps as a result of both my parents working in aviation (Laker Airways, Air Europe, Cathay Pacific and of course British Airways). My own flying journey started in 2013 at Manston Airport with a much-anticipated trial flight in an R22 with Polar Helicopters . I was instantly hooked. It was a thrilling experience filled with overwhelming complexity as I grappled with all limbs being occupied by their own controls. The primary and secondary effects of said controls caused much of the confusion. I managed to dig out a picture of me looking pretty chuffed after this flight, and it's safe to say that this experience left a large impression on me. I even uploaded a grainy YouTube video (my first and only) of my first-ever hover taken on my old Nokia phone by the instructor.
Fast forward 5 years, and I was a fresh graduate working in London. Realising that I could commit to flying lessons instead of travelling, like the rest of my peers, afforded me 1 lesson a month. I took the plunge. I researched the local airfields accessible from Central London and booked in with Thurston Helicopters at Headcorn Aerodrome, Kent. In stark contrast to everyone around me, my weekends were filled with countryside and exhausting flights of increasing complexity.
After a few years of this, I saw and felt that the airfield was a bustling hub of energy tucked away in the beautiful Kent countryside. Wing walkers, aerobatics, sky-diving, model planes, WW2 flying displays, Spitfires, the occasional Chinook, and families watching in the sun. The airfield was a real pleasure to visit. However, herein lies the issue: I could only experience this energy and community when physically there. Unfortunately, this couldn't be every day.
From idea to reality
Wanting to feel this energy and aviation community wherever I was, led me to the idea of replicating Strava but for private pilots. I thought: "How did this not exist already?", a question I'm often asked today when I talk about the app . After some research, I realised there were some older attempts no longer in use, but nothing leveraged the approach of Strava.

Developing this idea was no small feat, for years the vision of AviNet simmered in my mind. It wasn't until the technological advancements of AI in 2023 that I saw the opportunity to really make it a reality. With the support of my close friend Josh Wheeler, a talented software engineer, we set out to build a platform that would revolutionise the way we, as pilots, connect.

We worked tirelessly for several months to get the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) feature complete. Our laptops came everywhere with us as we did so. Testing it each time I went flying, we saw the vision coming to life. With the help of a few early testers (fellow pilots at Headcorn), we got the app onto the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store in late 2023.
Building a community
At its core, AviNet is about community. Aviation is more than just a hobby or profession - it's a passion, a way of life. We've built an app which solves this lack of a vibrant, online aviation and pilot community, allowing you to share, explore and learn with and from others. AviNet allows all of us to have a shared purpose and sense of belonging, as we connect across the globe. Since starting AviNet we've connected pilots from North America to New Zealand, and everywhere in between, all with a common love for general aviation, flying, sharing, and learning. It's been an exhilarating journey so far, one we wish to continue long into the future.
You can read more about our mission and vision here .
Why we exist
AviNet exists because we believe in the power of connection. We understand the unique challenges and joys of general aviation and we're committed to supporting our community members every step of the way. By providing a space where pilots and enthusiasts can come together, share their stories, and learn from one another, we hope to inspire a new generation to see what is possible and to take the leap, following their passion.

Join us on our journey
We invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Whether you're looking to connect with fellow pilots, share your aviation experiences, or simply explore the world of aviation, the AviNet community is where you can do that. Together, we can continue to build a diverse community that celebrates the joy of flying and supports each other in our aviation adventures, regardless of age, gender or race. To get started, check out the app and come and say "Hi 👋" on Discord.
- Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store
- Join the conversation on our Discord server
- See how else you can get involved